We just moved to the Rocky Mountains & put out bird feeders about a month ago. Wow! I was surprised at how many birds came during the winter but there has been a huge increase in the Spring birds. I wasn't expecting it because it's still cold and we're still getting occasional snow. Thanks for the tips!

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I unfortunately 😕 😔 predicted that fate for Flaco when he "got set free". My husband hates seeing domestic birds in cages but always says "zoos& our Pgh aviary are a totally different situation...they have ample room to fly". After he started helping me rescue waterfowl 2 yrs ago will tell anyone, "After what we see...birds and many animals are so so much safer in a zoo or aviary". Especially with the world and how it is today. Flaco wasn't "behind bars" as I seen someone put it. This isn't a zoo in 1980. These birds have HUGE enclosures and never have to worry about NOTHING. If I could bring every duck I care deeply about that we have helped in the past to a zoo or aviary, I would. They get fed, have free vet visits from highly skilled doctors, they don't have to worry about deforestation, predators eating their young or them, getting ran over by a car, crashing into a window, or eating rat poison. They have very GOOD LIVES. That is why wild animals in captivity LIVE LONGER. Zoos and the aviary also provide them with enrichment exercises so they get smarter and smarter. They do amazing things for endangered species and the list goes on. I really hope that whoever did let him "go" learned something from this. He was far from a prisoner. This wasn't a monkey in a lab for gosh sake. He had a great life. I just hope that he doesn't die in vein and since there was so so much focus on him that humans who never paid attention to birds before learned something from what happened to him. He needs to send humans a huge message from the grave. If we let these predators do their God given jobs...WE WOULD NOT NEED RAT POISON. IF WE KEEP KILLING EVERYONE IT WILL NEVER END...AND WE WILL BE LEFT WITH NOTHING. A world without birds is a world I want no parts of.

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Thank you for this comment. I appreciate your views in favor of zoos, as that is a viewpoint that I have not seen elsewhere, at least not in this detail. It is tempting for me as a somewhat of an activist/advocate to want to decry zoos and let nature "run its course," however your comment presents a nice argument for them.

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If you ever come to Pittsburgh or near the Pittsburgh national aviary is worth every cent and actually it isn't even expensive to get a pass. Under $20 for adults. It is the most amazing place for birds. They have raptors that can't be released due to past injuries and they use them to educate children. It is just a great place all around. A little different than a zoo. It's like the birds are outside bc they just cater to birds. Put it this way ...u have to watch (if you care which I am used to it) that you don't get pooped on lol. They just fly around you. Many of them are so high in the trees they have indoors that you have to actually have a good zoom lens to get a good pic. They even have a few sloths& flying foxes. That is all from the mammal family however. The sloths have it exceptionally well. All the money goes towards a great cause too. Ty for your reply. Always enjoy reading!

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