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Watch an excerpt from Fluddles

New documentary to highlight agricultural wetlands and the birds that rely on them.

In case you missed it, I’ve been working on a new documentary, FLUDDLES, throughout the past year. The film takes viewers on a journey to these oft-fleeting watery areas and highlights the efforts to restore them to the landscape. There is a movement afoot right now that aims to convert farmland back to the wetlands and prairie that once covered much of the Midwest. In this new clip, we visit with an active wetland reconstruction effort, learn ways that farming can co-exist with wildlife, and discover how one family experienced these changes firsthand.

This started as an attempt to tell the story of the “big puddles” that attract inordinate numbers of shorebirds in migration season. But the story has taken a number of twists and turns, which is the fun part of any of these projects.

We’ll likely have an announcement soon about the initial showings of FLUDDLES, before the end of 2023. Stay tuned to this space.

Thank you to our lead sponsors Decatur Audubon Society, Ducks Unlimited, The Nature Conservancy, The Wetlands Initiative, and the Illinois Arts Council.

If you’d like to go back and which the original trailer for FLUDDLES, you may do so here.

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This Week in Birding
This Week in Birding
Bob Dolgan